
Counterterrorism police probe student stabbing at Sydney Uni

A teenage boy has been arrested after allegedly stabbing a man on the University of Sydney campus.

A teenage boy has been arrested after allegedly stabbing a man on the University of Sydney campus. Photo: AAP

Counterterrorism police are investigating after a student was allegedly stabbed in the neck by a teenager armed with a kitchen knife at Sydney University.

Ambulances were called to the scene at inner-city Camperdown about 8.30am on Tuesday, when paramedics found a 22-year-old man with stab wounds.

Police were told the alleged attacker got on a bus at nearby Parramatta Road not long after the incident.

“There was a young person that fled the scene dressed in camouflage or Defence Force uniform, and a knife was recovered at the scene,” NSW Police counter terrorism and special tactics command Assistant Commissioner Mark Walton said.

A short time later, the 14-year-old was arrested near Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, which is adjacent to the university.

Walton said the boy was treated for cuts to his hands and was undergoing a mental health assessment.

The injured man was taken to the same hospital in a stable condition.

Walton said he could say little about the incident, as it remained under investigation and the person of interest was 14. But he said the boy was known to police and to government agencies.

“I would, however, like to indicate that here in NSW, nationally and internationally, there are concerns about youth being radicalised in the online environment. They are embracing violent extremist ideologies and moving towards violence,” he said.

“I urge parents that should be aware of this risk to their children. We ask that everyone should be concerned about this, and reach out to authorities if they are concerned about the consumption of extremist ideologies.”

He said terror investigations involving people aged 12 to 16 had emerged in the past five years.

“I can absolutely assure you there is a risk of online radicalisation. The internet is toxic and it’s very easy for young people, especially, to self-radicalise, to move towards violence,” he said.

No ideology has yet been determined in Tuesday’s incident. Police also said there was no ongoing danger to the community.

In an email to students, vice-chancellor Mark Scott said he was “shocked and saddened” by the attack on a member of the university community in what he described as an isolated incident.

Police tape blocking the university’s Western Avenue exit was taken down early on Tuesday afternoon.

A Sydney University spokeswoman earlier said staff were working with authorities and there might be an increased security and police presence on campus while investigations continue.

Students were notified that some buildings at the university were sent into “secure mode” and would require swipe cards for access.

University international cardiology fellow Matheus Silva said he was concerned by news of the stabbing after moving away from his home country to escape violence.

“One of the main reasons I left Brazil was because of the criminality,” he said.

-with AAP

Topics: Crime, NSW
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