
Baby among nine targeted in drive-by shooting

Four girls were lucky to escape injury in a drive-by shooting in Sydney's west late on Tuesday.

Four girls were lucky to escape injury in a drive-by shooting in Sydney's west late on Tuesday. Photo: AAP

A family home with four children inside has been shot up in one of two alarming firearms incidents in Sydney.

NSW Police said they were called to a house in Cabramatta Road in Cabramatta, in south-west Sydney, about 11.45pm after reports shots had been fired at the property.

Four children and five adults were inside at the time, but no one was injured.

The Sydney Morning Herald reports that a white Toyota Corolla mounted the footpath outside the home. Someone in the vehicle fired off multiple shots at the house before the car sped away.

The home owner, who did not wish to be identified, told Nine’s Today show that his 12-year-old daughter narrowly escaped being shot.

“Bullets went through one of the bedrooms that belong to my daughter and my daughter was there at the time. But luckily she wasn’t hurt,” he said.

The man said all four of his daughters, the youngest aged just nine months, were inside at the time.

A burned-out Corolla was later found nearby.

Earlier on Tuesday night, a man was taken to Bankstown Hospital, also in Sydney’s south-west, when a wounded 23-year-old man arrived with a gunshot injury to his stomach.

He was driven there in a white Audi by a 30-year-old companion, who helped the younger man into the emergency department.

Both men, who were suspected of being involved in organised crime, refused to say what had happened, police said.

The Audi appeared to have been hit with multiple bullets and it was seized for forensic investigation.

The 30-year-old man has been charged with hindering police, disqualified driving and concealing a serious indictable offence.

Acting Detective-Superintendent Darren Sly said the man was charged to send the message “no one is above the law”.

“It’s quite obvious to us the 30-year-old man knows what happened. He was there when it took place and he should be telling us what happened,” he said on Wednesday.

“There’s no choice. Police don’t like to do it, but if he can’t assist us with a serious offence – a public shooting, which we shouldn’t have to put up with – we’ll take action.”

The man was refused bail to appear in Bankstown Local Court on Wednesday.

Police do not know when or where the shooting occurred, but they suspect it might have been in the Bankstown area shortly before 10pm.

The injured man was transferred to another hospital to have surgery.

Police have urged anyone with information, CCTV or dashcam footage to contact police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

-with AAP

Topics: NSW
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