
Double-murder deliberations set to enter second week

The jury in Greg Lynn's trial asked the judge what happens if they cannot reach a unanimous verdict.

The jury in Greg Lynn's trial asked the judge what happens if they cannot reach a unanimous verdict. Photo: AAP

Twelve jurors tasked with deciding the fate of accused murderer Greg Lynn are yet to reach a verdict after five days of deliberations.

The jury was sent home just before 1pm on Friday, with Supreme Court Justice Michael Croucher reminding them not to discuss the case with anyone over the weekend.

They will return to their deliberations at 10am on Monday.

Lynn is accused of murdering campers Russell Hill and Carol Clay in Victoria’s alpine region in March 2020.

The 57-year-old has pleaded not guilty, claiming the two deaths were accidental, but admitted burning the crime scene and the “despicable” act of moving and destroying their bodies.

Lynn told the jury, and police during his interview, that Clay died during his struggle with Hill over Lynn’s gun, when a shot discharged and went into her head.

The accused murderer said Hill died in a second struggle with a knife.

Jurors officially began deliberating on Monday.

They returned to court with a question on Wednesday, asking to re-watch the evidence from Lynn and police ballistics expert Senior Constable Paul Griffiths.

Justice Croucher allowed them access to videos of the live stream, which he said were each about two-and-a-half hours long.

Before deliberations began, he directed the jury to more readily reject prosecution theories that were not cross-examined, and more readily accept the evidence from Lynn and Sen Const Griffiths.

The judge reminded the jury on Friday that they could ask further questions by passing a note to his associate.

He also reiterated that they needed to apply his directions of law during their deliberations, before allowing them to leave for the day.


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