
Royals release ‘morose’, ‘creepy’ kids video

The video managed to make children playing with bubbles look scary.

The video managed to make children playing with bubbles look scary. Photo: Getty

Some unfortunate editing decisions have led the British royal family to be accused of sharing a “creepy” video of Princess Charlotte and Prince George playing at a kids’ party in Canada.

Will and Kate were trying to express gratitude for the hospitality they enjoyed during their stay in the country, but the combination of dark lighting, slow motion and a score more suited to a horror film, made viewers question whether they were watching a fun, family film or an “in memoriam” video.

Princess Charlotte made her first proper appearance at the party – held for children of military families – showing the world she could walk and bash balloons.

Prince George was typically boisterous, despite not cracking a smile when his father dropped him on the back of a miniature pony.

Watch the unsettling video below:

But the party itself was a riot compared with the short video posted to the Kensington Palace official Twitter page, paired with the caption: “We have created such happy memories for our children during the visit.”

Users expressed their concern at the morose theme music in particular, with one viewer commenting: “I would have preferred circus music.”

“It is supposed to be in slow motion? And dark?” asked another.

One commenter asked whether they had just watched the trailer for a sequel to The Shining.

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