
Accused road rage killer makes brief court appearance

The World Gym Marsden Park in Sydney has paid tribute to Rhyce Harding who died in a road incident.

The World Gym Marsden Park in Sydney has paid tribute to Rhyce Harding who died in a road incident. Photo: Facebook (World Gym)

A man alleged to have fatally dragged another driver hanging off his ute for 100-metres during a fit of road rage will remain behind bars following a brief court appearance.

Bradley Wayne Wilkinson faced Parramatta Local Court for the first time on Saturday, charged over the death of Rhyce Harding.

The 39-year-old is accused of manslaughter, failing to stop and assist after a vehicle impact causing death, negligent driving (occasioning death) and dangerous driving occasioning death.

He did not apply for bail and was remanded in custody.

Harding was allegedly hit by a white ute after getting out of his car in the western Sydney suburb of Blackett on Thursday.

Police believe he was dragged along the road for about 100m before ending up on the ground.

The 27-year-old died while being treated by paramedics at the scene.

Wilkinson, who police say was behind the wheel of the ute, left the area before turning himself in at Mount Druitt station on Friday.

A white Toyota Hilux was seized in the nearby suburb of Windsor and will undergo forensic examination.

Tributes have flowed for Harding, who ran a landscaping business, with members and staff at the gym he frequented expressing deep sadness.

“Rhyce was a much-loved member of our club, who will always be remembered for his kindness, humbleness and dedication to his training,” World Gym Marsden Park said in a Facebook post.

Acting Inspector Shane Ranee said the incident likely followed a confrontation.

“Words were said, that’s what led us to believe it could have happened because of a road rage incident,” he said.


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