
Labor, Coalition primary vote support slips: Newspoll

Peter Dutton is gearing up for a nuclear battle with Anthony Albanese.

Peter Dutton is gearing up for a nuclear battle with Anthony Albanese. Photo: Getty/AAP

Support has slipped for both Labor and the Coalition, a Newspoll suggests, in the fallout of a divisive debate over energy policy sparked by Peter Dutton’s plan for nuclear reactors.

The survey, published in The Australian newspaper on Monday, showed primary support for the Coalition dropping three points to 36 per cent.

Labor shed one point to 32 per cent since the previous survey three weeks ago.

Satisfaction with both political leaders was also on the slide, with more respondents saying they were not satisfied with the performance of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and the Opposition Leader.

Albanese’s approval fell one point to 42 per cent while dissatisfaction with his performance rose three points to 53 per cent — the second highest level of dissatisfaction since he was elected.

Dutton’s approval rating fell one point to 38 per cent, but dissatisfaction soared five points to 54 per cent.

Albanese’s net satisfied/dissatisfied rating deteriorated from -7 to -11 while Dutton sank from -10 to -16, The Australian reports.

As support for the major parties took a hit, the Greens and minor parties appear to have gained ground.

The Greens rose two points to 13 per cent – the highest level of support since the election – and support for other minor parties and independents also increased by two points to 12 per cent.

Backing for One Nation was unchanged on 7 per cent, a result consistent for the fifth Newspoll in a row.

Labor has taken a lead over the Coalition on a two-party-preferred basis, 51 per cent to 49 per cent, after last month’s survey put support for the two at 50 per cent each.

The survey of 1260 voters was conducted online between June 24-28.

Voters were also asked whether they approved or disapproved of Dutton’s plan to build seven nuclear power plants across the country.

Forty-two per cent said they approved compared to 45 per cent who said they disapproved of the plan.

This was broken down into strongly approve of nuclear at 19 per cent, somewhat approve 23 per cent, somewhat disapprove 17 per cent, strongly disapprove 28 per cent and don’t know 13 per cent.

Support was highest among Coalition voters (69 per cent) compared to Labor (23 per cent) and the Greens (19 per cent).

-with AAP

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