
Assange seeks privacy to adjust to new-found freedom

Emotional tarmac moment

Source: X (WikiLeaks)

Julian Assange has arrived in Australia a convicted US criminal but a free man, and will be able to embark on “whatever life he chooses to build” with no restrictions, his lawyers say.

A jubilant Assange fist-pumped, waved and gave the thumbs up when he stepped onto home soil in Canberra on Wednesday night.

His lawyer Jennifer Robinson said when the jet touched down, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was the first on the phone.

“Julian thanked him and the team and told the Prime Minister that he had saved his life. And I don’t think that that is an exaggeration,” she said.

Assange did not address waiting media, and his wife Stella later requested privacy to allow the WikiLeaks founder to recover and “get used to freedom”.

“Someone told me yesterday, who had been through something similar, that freedom comes slowly,” she told media at a late-night press conference.

“I want Julian to have that space to rediscover freedom, slowly. And quickly.”

Julian Assange acknowledges the crowd at Canberra Airport. Photo: AAP

She added: “He just arrived in Australia after being in a high-security prison for over five years and … a 72-hour flight here or something like that.

“Julian has to recover – that’s the priority.”

But she said Julian would “always defend human rights, will always defend victims” and he remained “unafraid”.

Earlier, cameras captured an emotional moment when Assange embraced his wife, lifting her off the ground, and hugged his father John Shipton.

“There were crowds cheering, that I didn’t even know were there, behind a fence, because it was dark. And then I heard them cheer more and there were flashes,” Stella said.

“Then I turned the corner and then I saw that Julian was coming.

“We embraced and I mean, I think you’ve seen the pictures. I don’t want to express in words what is obvious from the image.”

Stella Assange requests time and privacy for her husband. Photo: Getty

Assange’s lawyer Barry Pollack said the case against Assange was completely over and he could begin his new life.

“There is no gag order. There are no other restrictions. He is going to be able to go back to whatever life he chooses to build with Stella and his family,” he said.

He said negotiations over the plea deal had been “intense” in recent weeks, but Assange’s side made it clear that “any resolution would have to end this matter” and that he would be free.

There was great anticipation of Assange facing a late-night media conference, but he left his wife and lawyers to speak.

“Julian wanted me to sincerely thank everyone,” Stella said, at times her eyes welling with tears as she recounted her husband’s fight for freedom.

“He wanted to be here, but you have to understand what he’s been through.

“He needs time. He needs to recuperate. And this is a process.

“I ask you – please – to give us space, to give us privacy, to find our place, to let our family be a family before he can speak again at a time of his choosing.”

Assange arrived in Canberra accompanied by US ambassador Kevin Rudd and British High Commissioner Stephen Smith after more than a day of travel and a court hearing on the US territory island of Saipan in the western Pacific.

For almost 15 years the Australian had evaded authorities seeking to bring him to American soil on spying charges after he leaked troves of secret defence information.

He spent almost seven years holed up in Ecuador’s London embassy before being detained for more than five years in a maximum-security UK prison where he fought his extradition.

On Wednesday, the 52-year-old secured his freedom by pleading guilty to a single criminal count of conspiring to obtain and disclose classified US national defence documents and was sentenced to 62 months – time he has already served.

Albanese said he was pleased the ordeal was over, and thanked the US and Britain for their assistance.

“There was nothing to be gained by the further incarceration of Mr Assange and we wanted him brought home tonight,” Albanese said.

“That has happened, we have got this done.”

Julian Assange steps off the private jet at Canberra Airport. Photo: Getty

Albanese directly raised the issue with US President Joe Biden and last September politicians from across Australia’s political spectrum converged on Washington DC to lobby US decision-makers.

US ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy said the US was grateful to the Australian government for its commitment and assistance throughout the process.

“The return of Julian Assange to Australia brings this longstanding and difficult case to a close,” she said.

Opposition finance spokeswoman Jane Hume said Assange was “no hero” of hers but welcomed his return.

“He put lives in danger, not just of counter-intelligence agents in the US but also of innocent and helpful Iraqi and Afghan citizens who were helping coalition forces,” she said.

Pollack said the court had “determined that no harm was caused by Mr Assange’s publications”.

For Assange’s supporters, it was a moment of jubilation.

“It’s a great victory for freedom of expression and also justice,” Australian Assange Campaign legal adviser Greg Barns SC said.

“Julian faced the prospect of over 170 years in a US jail if he’d been convicted of the charges for which the Americans were seeking to extradite him.”

-with AAP

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