
Gotye denies parliament tilt

Australian singer-songwriter Gotye has denied reports he will be running for parliament, but has supported the formation of a new political party with his bandmates.

The Grammy award winner spoke to Triple J’s Matt and Alex to clear up the rumours, which began circulating after a Facebook post by his band, The Basics.

The post stated: “we are still in need of Members to register The Basics Rock’n’Roll Party (BRRP) with the Victorian Electoral Commission”.

But Gotye has said the party is the initiative of his bandmate Kris Schroeder and does not yet exist.

The facts are that my other band, The Basics, with my good friends and musical cohorts Tim Heath and Kris Schroeder, have considered forming a political party in Victoria called The Basics Rock and Roll Party,” he told Triple J.

As of the moment, the party doesn’t exist, we have not registered yet, we have got almost the membership interest to be able to register that party.”

“It’s an initiative from my bandmate Kris Schroeder; me and Tim are definitely supportive of him in our shared interest in local and state politics, and we’ve certainly talked about the initiatives we’d hope to bring some interest to.”

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