
Health fears, but Acca Dacca keep rocking on



AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd is adamant the band will “never retire” despite Malcolm Young’s serious health woes.

Young is currently taking a hiatus from the band while he battles undisclosed medical issues, and his nephew Stevie has stepped in to replace him as the group prepares to launch a new album and a 40th anniversary tour.

News of Young’s troubles prompted a slew of retirement rumours, but drummer Rudd is adamant the show will go on for as long as possible.

“We were never going to retire. It’ll never happen. Angus (guitarist Angus Young) will never retire and as long as Angus never retires I won’t f***ing retire either.”

Rudd says everyone in the band is ready to hit the road soon.

“There is an AC/DC tour planned for the 40th anniversary of the band, but I don’t know all the details yet.”

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