
Russian air strikes on western Ukraine kill at least three

A burning building after a Russian rocket attack in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv.

A burning building after a Russian rocket attack in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv. Photo: EPA

Russia has launched a large-scale air attack on Ukraine’s western region of Lviv and the north-western region of Volyn, killing at least three people and wounding scores of others, officials say.

Three people were killed and several hospitalised in Lutsk after a business enterprise was hit, Yuriy Pohulyaiko, governor the Volyn region of which Lutsk is the administrative centre, said on the Telegram messaging app.

The Volyn region borders NATO-member Poland to its west.

There were no casualties in Russia’s air attack on the western region of Lviv, according to preliminary information, but more than 100 residential houses were damaged, 500 windows broken and a kindergarten playground was destroyed.

“Many missiles were shot down, but there were also hits in Lviv,” city mayor Andriy Sadovyi said on the Telegram messaging app, adding that orders were given to evacuate at least one burning apartment building.

Mr Sadovyi posted a video standing at a crater in front of a multi-storey building with all windows blasted out and scattered debris from what appeared to be a playground.

Ukraine’s Air Force said that its forces had destroyed 16 of at least 28 Russia-launched air and sea-based missiles. It was not immediately clear how many missiles were launched at Lviv and Volyn.

The Lviv region’s governor, Maxim Kozitsky, said “groups of Russian missiles” were headed towards the region.

Until July, the Lviv region which is far from the front lines and which borders Poland to its west, had been spared most of Russia’s air attacks.

But in July seven people were killed when a missile slammed into a residential building.

Ukrainian media reported that according to preliminary information, Tuesday’s attack was the largest air assault on the Lviv region since the start of Russia’s invasion in Ukraine in February 2022.

Reuters could not immediately confirm the reports and the attacks on the region.

At least one person was also wounded as a result of Russia’s attack on Ukraine’s south-western region of Dnipropetrovsk, where an enterprise was hit and a fire broke out, Serhiy Lisak, the governor of the region said on the Telegram.

Earlier, Russia launched three waves of drones and missiles against the southern Ukraine port city of Odesa.

The Ukrainian air force says it intercepted all the airborne weapons fired during the night-time attacks.

Falling debris from the 15 Shahed drones and eight Kalibr missiles interceptions damaged a residential building, a supermarket and a dormitory of an educational facility in the city, Odesa governor Oleh Kiper said.

Two employees of the supermarket were hospitalised, Mr Kiper said.

Video showed a huge blaze at the store during the night and, the next day, the large building’s charred and mangled wreckage.

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